Structural Funds (SE 4-5-6) – Structural Essentials I. module
FURTHER OPPORTUNITIES in the world of fascia treatment from Anatomy Trains (UK & Europe ) Ltd
The ATSF workshop will provide the theoretical and practical knowledge you will need for the advanced Structural Essences (Structural Essences /SE/ AT Structural Integration Module I) courses in structural body treatments. Here you will learn the specific anatomical and biomechanical knowledge and treatment of each body region within the Anatomy Trains fascia meridians. A strong emphasis is placed on treating the local tissue areas that cause problems along the lines and integrating the changes made so that the nervous system can accommodate the changes made.
Building on the Structural Foundations series SE 1-2-3, the Structural Foundations series SE 4-5-6 will be presented as a 6-day workshop:
SE 4-5-6: Spine, shoulders and arms, head, neck, jaw
The Structural Foundations SE 4-5-6 course is still open for registration:
SE-4: tensegrity of the spine
The spine, as a uniquely adaptable system, is at the heart of tensegrity. Spatial or kinematic abnormalities of the lower limb, pelvis and thorax can affect the curvature of the spine, throwing it out of balance. The main focus of the workshop will be on the positioning and free movement of the vertebrae in relation to the myofascial tissues. During the workshop we will examine the movement and dysfunction of each spinal segment (cervical, dorsal and lumbar). Following an overview of the soft tissues surrounding the spine, we will demonstrate examination methods and techniques to free and balance the area. This treatment is the most in-depth and highly intensive of the series.
Our themes:
- Anterior and posterior curvatures – the position of the erector spinae during lordosis and kyphosis.
- Lateral bends – scoliotic arches and erector spinae
- Rotations (and counter-rotations) – multiphidus and rotator muscles
- Anterior and posterior ‘tension cables’ of the spine – relationship between the abdominal muscles and the back muscles
- BodyReading to read patterns of the spine, movement analysis
- Effect of balancing the dorsal and lumbar spine on the cervical spine and sacrum
- Demonstration of preparatory and corrective myofascial techniques on the dorsal and lumbar spine, myofascial treatment of specific areas of the abdominal fascia to release flexion, extension, lateroflexion and rotation patterns.
SE-5: shoulders and arms
Modern lifestyles, daily and perhaps excessive use of phones and computers, regular driving, demand special use of our arms. Discrepancies in arm shape can affect the hands, arms, shoulder girdle, chest, back and cervical spine. It is no coincidence that there are many cases of carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, shoulder and shoulder blade pain, arm pain and arm discharge. During the workshop we will go through the arm muscles, from the thorax to the shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm and wrist to the hand. We will demonstrate treatment techniques for each myofascial station and then integrate arm function with the trunk to improve the position and function of the shoulder girdle-chest as well as the upper back and cervical spine.
Our themes:
- Balancing the shoulder girdle on the rib cage
- Relaxing the joints of the shoulder and shoulder girdle
- Soft tissue techniques on the shoulder muscles
- Relaxing the muscles of the elbows and upper arm
- Elbow extensors, flexors, radial and ulnar relaxations
SE-6: Head, neck and jaw
The neck section is a remarkable combination of a high degree of freedom of movement and a strong biomechanical structure. The neck is often the last area of compensation for deviations from below, so that the eyes and ears can always turn in the right direction. Patterns can also have an effect from the neck, particularly from the jaw, influencing movement and posture in the shoulder girdle, along the arm line and in the upper back. The workshop will focus on key areas of the neck and jaw for myofascial release and activation techniques to help develop strategies to alleviate and resolve problems in the area. Moving into the final part of the workshop series, after addressing each segment, alignment and integration of the body parts is given an unmissable role, for the long-term maintenance of a new and more complete function.
Our themes:
- Splenius- retinaculum of the posterior neck muscles
- Functional neck X: scom-splenius capitis versus trapesius-levator scapulae
- The role of the suboccipital muscles- head position, reciprocal relationship with erector spinae and eye muscles
- Vertebral arches and deep neck muscles- erector spinae, multiphidus muscles
- Palpation and treatment of the lateral muscles of the neck – scalenus medius and posterior
- Muscles of the front of the neck – m. scalenus anterior and m. longus colli- relaxation and activation
- Intraoral function of the muscles of the hyoid, tongue and floor of the mouth
- Jaw muscles, TMI, palatal and facial muscles