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Atsf -anatomy trains structure and function

Tom Myers’ introductory course on fascia meridian theory and treatment

Anatomy Trains- Map the pattern and shape the change!

A revolutionary new approach that produces amazing results.

Anatomy Trains is a hands-on treatment and diagnostic method that combines the traditions of Ida Rolf with the innovations of Tom Myers through the introduction of the 12 myofascial line mapping system. The Anatomy Trains method helps to find a new perspective on the proper functioning of the human body. It shows how individual movements are organised in chains, how tensions or inactive areas trigger distances that can cause widespread problems affecting individual parts of the body.

The method is characterised by diagnosis and targeted treatment of musculoskeletal and myofascial disorders, with the aim of reducing pain, achieving a state of ease and harmony in movement, breathing, posture and general well-being. Anatomy Trains seeks to restore balance by releasing tensions and twists in the body. The treatments may also involve psychological release, where a long-held memory leaves a mark on the body, which can be treated in a targeted way to significantly reduce or even release the emotion and sensation associated with the memory.

Our next course is currently being organised, to pre-register, click on the button to send us an email.

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Our next course is currently being organised, to pre-register, please email us by clicking on the button below.

This method is becoming increasingly popular in sports rehabilitation, manual therapy and other movement therapy modalities worldwide. Those who work with movement often encounter incomprehensible phenomena and limitations in the form of recurring blocks, complex postural deviations and pain.

Anatomy Trains Structure and Function is a beginner’s workshop in Tom Myers’ myofascial-meridian theory. A short training that will bring long lasting change to your practice and your own life!

3 days of topics:

  • An introduction to the world of fascia and the Anatomy Trains philosophy- presentation of current research findings
  • Tensegrity, flexible regression, efficient movement
  • Introduction to myofascial lines- anatomy and function, movement development, perception, awareness
  • Dysfunctions of the lines
  • BodyReading: observing the position of body parts and lines in relation to each other in a standing position
  • Examining lines in motion – exploring the effects and precise location of postural deviations
  • Strategising in the context of deviations- structural and functional patterns- tailored treatment plan
  • Introduction to fascial tissue treatment options, layer-by-layer palpation and basic techniques
  • Treatments are generally along the myofascial lines, aiming to balance and coordinate the function of the lines


FURTHER OPPORTUNITIES in the world of fascia treatment from Anatomy Trains (UK & Europe ) Ltd

The ATSF workshop will provide the theoretical and practical knowledge you will need for the advanced Structural Essences (Structural Essences /SE/ AT Structural Integration Module I) courses in structural body treatments. Here you will learn the specific anatomical and biomechanical knowledge and treatment of each body region within the Anatomy Trains fascia meridians. A strong emphasis is placed on treating the local tissue areas that cause problems along the lines and integrating the changes made so that the nervous system can accommodate the changes made.

Structural Foundations series SE 1-2-3 topics in the form of 8+1 day workshops:
SE 1-2-3: Legs and arches, fans around the hips, abdomen, chest and breathing

Building on the SE 1-2-3 block, the Structural Foundations SE 4-5-6 series is delivered in a 6-day workshop:
SE 4-5-6: Spine, shoulders and arms, head, neck, jaw

Our next course is currently being organised, to pre-register, click on the button to send us an email.

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The SE series is followed by Structural Integration Module II, which summarises the theoretical and practical material of the ATSF and SE courses in 10 days. With this knowledge, students will acquire a 3 suitable interdependent treatment models, protocols, treatment algorithms and contraindications. The course is also an exam, their 3 treatments on a group repository and an external model will be assessed by a team of teachers, on whom the students will have to demonstrate some grips to check the accuracy of their touch. They can earn the internationally recognised Anatomy Trains Structural Bodyworker title.

Structural Bodywork Therapy- a hands-on treatment method that works to release tensions and twists in the body in an attempt to restore balance. Spiritual release can also occur during treatments, where a long-standing memory leaves a mark on the body in the form of a specific pain pattern, which can be treated in a targeted way to significantly reduce or even release the emotion and sensation associated with the memory. It is characterised by diagnosis, targeted treatment of musculoskeletal and myofascial abnormalities, with the aim of reducing pain, achieving effortless and harmonious movement, breathing and posture, and a conscious state of general well-being.

Our next course is currently being organised, to pre-register, click on the button to send us an email.

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For the first time in Hungary, this 31-day module will teach the schema, indications and tactics of the 12 treatment models. It can be completed after Module II, after presentation of 16 documented treatments and written essays. The course leads to an internationally recognised Structural Integrator qualification.

This is a structural integration training that will introduce students to the teachings of Ida Rolf and the innovations of Tom Myers, using the myofascial mapping system.The Structural Strategies protocol is a series of 12 deep body treatments that gradually work through the whole body, first on the surface, then in the deep areas, and finally by working the two layers together to create a unified harmony.

The Anatomy Trains school is dedicated to the art, science and practical application of bodywork. The course takes students through a wide range of touch and movement sensations so that patients gain ease, balance, height-life balance, body image and movement from their sessions. The treatments also have an effect on emotional release through the treatment of the body, and special emphasis is placed on understanding and accepting these.

Structural Integration Training is our flagship training, based on Tom’s 40 years of professional experience in diverse cultures and clinical practices. His studies, most notably with Ida Rolf, Dr Mose Feldenkrais, Buckminster Fuller, the European School of Osteopathy, movement training: continuum, contact dance, Aston-patterning.

Our next course is currently being organised, to pre-register, click on the button to send us an email.

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